PR1EN14: Command line arguments

Lab materials

Lab tasks

For this lab, you will have one main task with 2 advanced tasks that add extra functionality and features to the base task.

Lab task: calculator

For this task, you will build a calculator that works by getting its input from the command line

  • You will create a simple calculator, that
    • can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
    • supports positive integers as operands
    • only does one operation at a time (e.g. 3 + 6)
  • Have a precision of 2 places after the comma
  • Both the operands and the operator will be given as command line arguments
    • E.g. an addition operation would look like this:
  • Program is not allowed to ask for any input during its execution
  • Your calculator must detect the following errors
    • Wrong argument count
    • Unknown operator
    • Non-numeric operand
    • Division by zero
  • When an error occurs, you will both present the specific error message and the guide how to use your program
Recommended list of functions
  • Display help
    • Shows how to use the program
  • Argument check
    • Checks for number of operands
    • In advanced, checks for --help  argument
  • Error management
    • Displays the specific error message
    • Calls the display help function
  • Operand check
    • Checks if the operand is numeric
    • Returns the operand converted to a number (e.g. int)
  • Calculation
    • Identifies the operation and calculates the answer
    • Returns the answer

You may also benefit from creating a function to check for the operator.


To test a completed program, we recommend downloading the sample and seeing how it works.

To see all the test cases for the program, check the next paragraph.

Example 1: Input is OK and the program prints the answer

Example 2: Program is executed without arguments. An error message and a how to use guide is provided.

Test cases

Advanced task 1: real numbers

Change your program in a way that it would support all real numbers. You must add support for both negative numbers and numbers with decimal places.

Test the following

  • -3.3
  • 3-3
  • -3-3
  • 3.3.3

Advanced task 2: Extended functionality

Add the following functionality to your program

  • Taking a square root
  • Power function (xy)
  • Displaying help using the argument --help  without causing an error to occur.

All added functions must be present when help is shown.

After the class, you should be able to

  • Understand what a command line argument is
  • Know other programs that use command line arguments
  • Be able to accept command line arguments in C code
  • Know that main() function has multiple forms
    • Understand what argument count is
    • Understand what argument vector is
  • Know what is the first argument passed to a program
  • Know how argument count changes depending on how many arguments are passed
  • Understand that * and [] interchangeable
  • Understand what * means in the command prompt and how to pass such characters to programs
  • Understand how to pass multiple words as a single argument
  • Be able to convert strings into integers, floats

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