Getting started: Programming 2

This page is valid for: 2024 spring IAX0584 Programming 2.

This page is provided in order to make you acquainted with all the necessary details for the course. This includes setting up your machine, links to communication platforms, explanations on where to find what etc.

Subject information

  • The grading policies and other rules, deadlines etc are given in the introduction slides of lab 1.
  • Any alterations and other vital information will be sent as a notification through Mattermost!

Fist week checklist

The following list is separated into two groups

New students – students who have completed Programming 1 under a different lecturer, have never completed Programming 1 (i.e. Erasmus students) or have had a long period since they completed Programming 1.

Everyone – all students, regardless of when or with whom they completed Programming 1.

  • [Everyone] Make sure that the declaration of the subject is to the teacher whose lab you are attending and it is accepted.
  • [New students] Get acquainted to this page ( Make sure you know where to find the labs, guides etc.
    • This is the main source for lab materials, guides, tutorials and various other resources
  • [New students] Go through Programming 1 and make sure you are comfortable with all of the topics covered so far.
  • [New students] Make sure your coding style is conforming to the requirements listed on the [coding style] page or conforms to other best practices for C coding.
  • [Everyone] Join Mattermost and install the client software
    • Join Mattermost using the link
    • Join the channel for the class you are attending – MVEB (eng) or IACB (est).
    • Make sure your full name is visible
    • Install Mattermost on your device: After the install, you can join by adding the server address as 
    • Mattermost is used for all notifications and communication
    • NB! If you took Programming 1 before the last semester or are retaking Programming 2 and are unable to log in with your account, contact me to re-enable the account.
  • [Everyone] Join the Moodle course
  • [Everyone] Make sure you have access to Linux and are set up with the software required for programming
    • Guide: Software setup for programming
    • Note: Some tasks and parts of the course are available under Linux only. Others may be easier to complete under Linux.
    • Note: Even though it’s possible to use the remote virtual lab and lab computers for the parts requiring Linux, it’s highly encouraged that you install it on your computer as well.
  • [Everyone] Just as a reminder, to transfer your files between the university and your own device, you can use [SFTP guide].