Lab materials
- Slides: Linked list
Lab tasks
In this lab, there is one base task and two advanced tasks that build upon the base task.
Lab task: Linked list
In the base task, we are going to implement a linked list.
Download the starter code:
- Create a menu program that allows for manipulation of a singly linked list
- New nodes must be added to the beginning of the list only.
- A node contains a number (id) and a string (name).
- id is auto-generated, unique, sequential integer starting from 0
- Name is a string entered by the user during creation of the node.
- Name is allocated dynamically, dependent on the length of the entered name.
- Implement the PrintNode() , CreateNode() , InsertNode() , FindNodeByID() , FindNodeByName() and Unload() functions based on their description
- Use the starter code provided as your base
- Work through the task base on the step-by-step guide. Implement the functions as specified in the guide.
Step-by-step guide
NB! Notice that the structure declaration creates 2 valid data types – struct node and list . While both are the same thing by definition (they are aliases from typedef), one is used in the context for referring to a single member and the other is referring to the entire list.
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void PrintNode(list *pNode); |
Don’t forget to check for NULL pointer to avoid crashing if the calling function decides to pass a NULL pointer.
Uncomment testing stage 1 and run your code!
NB! The testing strings are in UTF-8, which is fine for our Linux machines, however they could disagree with some Windows environments. Alter the strings if necessary.
NB! This function is already completed for you. Pay attention to how the loop is built. You need it for traversal in the later functions.
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void PrintList(list *pHead); |
This function is used to print the entire linked list. It gets passed the pointer to the beginning of the list and it will traverse the list until it reaches the end of the list, indicated by a NULL pointer..
The function also handles a NULL pointer passed to it instead of a valid pointer to the beginning of the list – this will happen when the linked list is empty!
The function itself does not handle printing of the nodes, but rather calls PrintNode() on every node to print its contents. This is why we completed that first.
Uncomment testing stage 2 and run your code!
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struct node *CreateNode(char *name); |
- Create and allocate the node
- Assign the ID value (sequentially incrementing value, use static )
- Allocate memory for the name and copy it over
- Initialize the pNext pointer
- Return the struct pointer
NB! There are two memory allocations in this function. Both need to be checked. If there’s an error, return a NULL pointer! Program should continue running.
Uncomment testing stage 2 and run your code! Only expected changes are different address space (going from stack to heap) and increased allocations when checking with valgrind.
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void InsertNode(list **ppHead, struct node *pNode); |
In the base version of the task, add the node to the beginning of the list (onlu 2 assignment statements!)
NB! Before adding, check that pNode isn’t a NULL pointer!
Uncomment testing stage 3 and run your code! Visually you should not see any differences in the output.
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void Unload(list *pHead); |
This function is what’s also called a destructor. It removes (deallocates) all nodes from them memory. This includes all the members that were allocated dynamically as well – in our case, the name.
To free a linked list, you need to loop through the entire list. To familiarize yourself with the traversal of the list, check the PrintList() function.
When freeing the list, you should pay close attention to how you free the current node. After freeing the current node, we no longer have access to its pNext pointer. Due to this, we need to create a temporary pointer that will have a copy of the current node’s address, which adds a little bit of complexity.
You have to complete 3 steps in the loop. The most elegant way of making it is by using a while() loop.
- Make a copy of the current node address (you will be freeing through this copy)
- Move the main pointer to the next element ( pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext )
- Free the current node and its members.
Uncomment testing stage 4. Run through valgrind. You should see 6 allocations and 6 frees.
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struct node *FindNodeByName(list *pHead, char *name); |
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struct node *FindNodeByID(list *pHead, int id); |
Use PrintNode() to output the result.
Uncomment testing stage 5 and check the output! Note that the error message is provided by PrintNode() function and is not specific to the search!
Congratulations! All base functionality is now finished! Now create the additional functions, prompts etc so that the program could be used through the menu as a command line utility. You can delete the testing code from main.
This means prompting the user for name when inserting a node or asking for search keywords, as well as checking the returns for functions as necessary. Once that is done, present the task.
This is the final expected output of the base task
Advanced task 1: Alphabetically ordered list
In this task, we’re alter modify our list in order for it to be always sorted alphabetically by the name.
- Update the
InsertNode() function in order for it to add the new node in an alphabetically sorted order.
- Must handle adding to the beginning, end and middle of the list.
- Update the FindNodeByName() function to take advantage of the list being sorted.
- If you completed advanced task 2 first, also update the approriate Remove() functions to also take advantage of this property
- Adding to the beginning, end or middle of the list requires different handling of the pointers.
- Take note of the positioning and choose appropriate method of adding to the list
Advanced task 2: Removal of nodes
Implement the two functions to remove nodes from the list.
- Implement RemoveNodeByName() that removes a node from the list if it finds a matching name.
- Implement RemoveNodeByID() that removes a node from the list if it finds the matching ID value.
- Take advantage of the ordered nature of the list (from advanced task 1)
- Ensure the integrity of the list after removing an element
- Find if the node exist in the list that you need to remove
- Removing from a singly linked list will require you to keep track of the previous node location. You cannot reuse FindNodeBy() function (You could, if it was a doubly linked list).
- Removing from the beginning, end or middle of the list are different. Detect the position and then decide on the removal procedure!
- Don’t forget to free the memory for the node completely
- Double pointer is required to remove from the beginning of the list.