This page has been created for students of Risto Heinsar. The links to various environments may be specific to the classes taught by me. If you are taking this class with a different teacher, look for their materials!
The purpose of this document is to give you a starting point to get you going.
Table of contents:
The homepage for my students is (you are on this page right now).
The first thing that you should do is watch the introduction video. The lecture recordings are stored in Echo360 environment. They are not public, so you will have to register an account to view them. I will provide 2 links:
- With this link you can register and access the entire Echo360 content of my lab:
- With this link, you can only view the introduction without registering for Echo:
Start by watching the introduction. Get a feel for the subject and see if this fits for your curriculum and expectations.
Once you move forward from here, I expect that you are interested to continue under my supervision and will declare the subject to me.
Lab time
The lab time during the distance will be the official time on the timetable.
Once it will be possible to hold the labs in the classroom, we will do so. We intend to have 50% occupancy rate and thus have booked two classes next to each other, so half of you will be able to sit in the next room and get the information through the presentation equipment in the classroom.
Lab time during the distance learning has some advantages
- Me and my assistants will try to be available – in case you have a question or are having trouble with something, we can provide the answers quicker.
- We will try out BBB (Big Blue Button) for voice/video calls and screen sharing. This should also help with problem solving, as you can screen share easily what you are seeing, as well as we can show you how to do some specific process.
First week
We will start out slow with revision. This should give you the feel whether you are ready for this class or not. It will also show you if you need to revise something.
If the tasks seem hard, then you should definitely consider if you are ready for this class or not – it might require more studying than the average. Otherwise you are ready to continue.
For any questions, ask them through Mattermost.
Now I will provide you a checklist for the things to do on the first week. For students coming from the previous semester, some of this will already be done for you (e.g. software installation).
- Join Echo360 environment:
- Watch the introduction video
- Get acquainted with this webpage ( – e.g. find where the lab slides are, look through coding style and other resources provided.
- Look through the Covid-19 plan to explain the differences in distance
- Join Mattermost:
- Join the IAX0584_eng channel
- Change your name if necessary so that your full name is visible
- Join Moodle:
- Set up the software
- Optional: install linux
- Install Geany (or some alternative)
Geany installation guide - Install GCC (or some alternative)
Geany installation guide
- Watch the revision video from Echo360
- Solve the 3 revision tasks and upload them to Moodle.
If you managed to get this far, you should be good for the week. From next week, we will start to introduce new topics!